Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start by asking participants the following questions: -Is it important to share your goals with someone close to you? Why? -What was the last major goal you reached that you received support from a special friend or family member? Would you care to share? -Do you think that dealing positively with substance abuse is worth pursuing as a goal? -Do you think that we should plan how to deal with the dangers that substance abuse in a coordinated manner? With the assistance of others? Why? Inform the participants that we will read an article that provides evidence of the importance of setting up goals and the pressure that comes along with that effort. Give each participant a copy of the article. Organize reading groups if the class is large. Encourage participants to discuss information among the smaller groups. Also, ask participants to identify a member of the group so they can share their discussion and comments with the larger group. In order to guide the discussion ask the following questions: - What are the two different types of social pressure? - How can you deal with situations that cannot be avoided? - What strategies can you follow to achieve your goals about drinking? As a final activity, ask the participants to help you write a one-sentence statement that will summarize today's lesson. How to set goals and avoid the obstacles that come with the process. |