Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start by asking the participants the following questions: -How do financial problems affect the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs? -Why is it that during financial turmoil, alcohol consumption increases? -Why is it that an unemployed person consume more alcohol? Explain that according to Maria Davalos, Hai Fang, and Michael French, in their book "Easing the Pain of an Economic Downturn: Macroeconomic Conditions and Excessive Alcoholic Consumption", financial crises can lead to bad decisions on health and long term wellness. Add that for example, several studies have found fewer annual health checkups, doctor visits, and changes in alcohol consumption in individuals going through economic turmoil. Instruct that we will read an article about how financial crises affect substance consumption. Make three teams and give a copy of the article to each participant. Organize them to read and discuss a section of the article, as follows: -Team 1: From the beginning to "crime, sex work and drug dealing". -Team 2: From "This line of argument posits" to ' people 'tighten their belts'." -Team 3: From "There are a number of papers" to the end of the article. Have them read their section so they can discuss the information within their group. Ask that participants choose a member of their group so he or she can share what they discuss in their small groups. Ask each team to share the most important details of their section with the larger group. Make sure that there is a discussion about whether or not they agree with the statement 'alcohol consumption increases when a person becomes unemployed'. Why do they think that this happens according to their experiences? Do you think economic crises increase informal businesses as well as drug trafficking and crime? As a culminating activity, ask the participants to develop a set of ideas and suggestions to use when there is a personal financial crisis. Ask for volunteers to share their ideas. |