Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start the session by asking the participants the following questions: -What are some of the activities and behaviors that are most affected by alcohol? -What is the influence of alcohol abuse on family relationships? -How does an alcoholic acts when he or she is sober? -Do you know someone who is an alcoholic? Inform the participants that according to the Federation of Rehabilitated Alcoholics in Spain (FARE), around 500,000 people in Spain have alcohol-related problems and only 10% seeks help to solve them. Ask the participants if they know of someone who has an alcohol problem but refuses to seek treatment. Add that you mention that statistic because it mirrors the numbers in most developed countries. Inform the participants that we will watch a video that presents important reasons to stop drinking or cut down on consumption before it becomes a serious issue in our lives. After the video is complete, ask the participants the following questions: -What information is valuable to the participants? Why? -What information is new to them? After you discuss the video, introduce Steve Repsys. Describe how his article "Qualities of a good role model" says that "A role model provides inspiration and motivation to seek out accomplishments". Ask participants, How can these 30 reasons be a motivation to stop drinking? Discuss some of the reasons to stop drinking, for example: Why does the reason number 1 say: "You will immediately start having more money"? Would you like to have more money? Is that a motivation to you? As a final activity, ask participants to create a simple dialogue in which they pretend to be talking to a younger family member. In this conversation they use at least reasons from video or article to convince that family member to avoid drinking at a young age. |