Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start the discussion by asking the following questions: -Do you know how much alcohol you consume on a given day, week, month? -Do you ever place limits on how much you are going to drink before a party or an event in which there will be alcohol consumption? -Do you think it would be helpful? How? Why? -Did you ever do something specific to avoid drinking too much alcohol? Can you share it? Say that according to Dr. Lucy Ma. Reidl Martinez, head of the Brief Intervention Program for individuals who initiate using alcohol and other drugs, by UNAM, a goal should be self-established, that is, you yourself must determine how many drinks you will have. Each week you will evaluate and decide to change the number of drinks, considering that the ultimate goal is moderate consumption. Notify the participants that we will read and analyze an article that talks about setting goals and how to set limits for drinking. Give each participant a copy of the worksheet. Start by reading the first of the nine points to achieve your goals and give some reasons to follow the advice. Request comments from the participants to make comments on each point. Ask the participants to assist you read the other points that can help in deciding to limit their consumption or quit. After reading the point from article ask the participants the following questions: -What does reduction of drinking frequency mean? -What does reducing the amount of alcohol consumed mean? -What would be preferable; moderating alcohol consumption or quitting completely? Ask participants to make a chart on the back of the page, where they will write the pros and cons of changing and/or modifying their drinking habits. Have them write an honest analysis of their drinking habits. This information is personal and will not be shared. As a final activity, ask them to think of a coming event they know they will attend. Ask them to analyze if there will be alcohol consumption. If there will be alcohol consumption, ask them if they will modify their intake. If they will modify their drinking, how would they do it? Ask for a volunteer to share their analysis. |