Start by asking participants, Do you know anyone who drives even when drunk? How are others affected by drinking and driving? Do you know anyone who 'tolerates' more alcohol, and requires more to feel the effects of it? Say that according to the DUI/DWI Law, the driving capability of all people is affected when there is a BAC of 0.08, but many people are affected with much lower alcohol levels. Research studies show that the probability of being involved in an accident increases when the BAC is 0.05, and the risk of causing a fatal crash is even greater at 0.08. Say that we will watch a video that shows strong evidence of the risks and consequences of drinking and driving. After watching the video, ask if they could tell the consequences of drinking and driving described in the video. With that information in mind, make teams of three to develop an information campaign to raise awareness in the community about the consequences of drinking and driving under the influence of alcohol. Give each team a flipchart or poster board, markers and pencils. Ask participants to make a mind map to explain the dangers of drinking and driving, whether through pictures, words, definitions, important data, etc. At the end ask each team for a conclusion about why it is a good idea not to drink if you are going to drive. |