Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Initiate the discussion by asking the following questions: Have you seen anybody doing something strange or annoying without them being aware of their actions? What were they doing? Have you been told that you do certain actions but you were not aware of doing those actions? What were they? Inform the participants that you many time we do actions without being aware of the fact that we are doing them. Add that those actions communicate certain characteristics about us to others; good and bad. Many times we do not realize that we are performing such behaviors until someone else tells us. The way we perceive ourselves may be different to the way others perceive us. Ask participants to choose 5 words that they think best describe their personality. Add that sometimes the differences of perception may cause difficulties in our interaction with people. Inform participants that we are going to discuss the Johari window; a concept that can helps us discuss those different perceptions. Inform the participants that the video we will watch will assist us in setting up the discussion about the Johari Window concept. Play the video: The Johari Window Model. After watching the video, ask the following questions: -Is anyone familiar with this concept? -What did you know about it? -What can the Johari window be useful for? Ask participants to help you figure out the different windows according to the Johari Window Model. Open area Hidden area Blind area Unknown area After discussing each window and the characteristics of each, ask the participants the following questions: -Do you think that when we consume alcohol or drugs,the perceptions change according to how the Johari Window explains each area? How? -Are we more open or inhibited to exhibit other behaviors? -Have you noticed any change in your personality when you drink? Has anybody told you that you change when you drink? -Do you think that we are less or more aware of those actions? How? As a final activity, ask the participants to share again a specific trait or action that they exhibit but only others perceive or are aware of those around them. |