Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start the session by asking the following questions: -What do you think when you see the word "wrecked?" -Can you use the word in a positive context? How? Use the word in at least 3 different contexts. After the participants share their comments, inform them that you will show a video that shows how some people "wrecked" their lives. Ask the participants to identify at least one risk factor as they watch the video. After watching the video, ask participants the following questions: -What are some of the risk factors that they present in the video? What consequences some of the characters had to endure because of their substance abuse? -Are there any common denominators between the different characters in the video? -What are some of the solutions that some of the characters offer as steps for overcoming substance abuse? Ask the participants if they can relate to a specific character in the video? If there is a participant who shares his or her experience, ask him/her how are they seeking support to help them deal with issues. As a final activity, ask the participants to help you identify individuals, organizations, and other resources to deal with substance abuse. |