Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start the session by asking the following questions: -Have you ever seen anyone turning down a ride in the car of a drunk driver? -Have you been in a car when you know that driver has been drinking heavily? -Why is it that people continue to drive after drinking alcohol when they know of the consequences? -Are we responsible for another individual who is making the decision to drive while intoxicated? What if we do not know them but we know of the seriousness of their decision because we are sober and can intervene in this particular case? Use the following situation as an example, an ask them to create a mental image of the situation you are about to describe: Today you have to go to work, but there is snow on the road, which affects handling and visibility, the weather is cold and the road is icy and wet. -What precautions should you take before driving? -What might happen if you are speeding in these conditions? Connect the example mentioned to the case of a person who drives while drunk. What similarities do you find in common in the two cases? Ask what could happen if someone decides to drive after drinking? Tell the participants that they will read an article that presents some useful tips for dealing with a person who wants to drive while intoxicated. Give a copy of the article to each participant and then start reading the introduction to start with advice on how to deal with a drunken person. Ask for volunteers so they can read aloud the points and give an example of the point. If they do not give one, you give an example. Try to make sure that each point is read by a different person. Also, make sure that each point is discussed to evaluate if recommendation is useful, effective, and doable. If now, why not? As a final activity, ask participants to help you create an alternative list of actions to encourage an individual not to drive while intoxicated. After completing activity, ask each participant to develop a plan of 3 actions they will perform next time they decide to drink. What specific actions they will premeditate before they begin to drink. |