Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start by asking the following questions: -Can you drink alcohol and say that it is healthy? How? Why? Why not? -What is wrong with alcohol if it is consumed responsibly? -What can we do to change or adopt healthy alternatives that include alcohol? Is it possible? Tell the participants that many of those comments were made by social drinkers. Comment that according to studies conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States, they have included recommendations that address the question of drinking in a healthy manner. They add, "...drinking is not bad, but you have to pay attention to how much you drink and how drinking affects your life. Ask participants to think about the comment just made made and ask the following questions: -Have you ever plan to drink alcohol specifically for health reasons? How? -Do you know specifically of a particular health benefit for drinking alcohol? What is it? Do you believe in it? Tell them they are going to watch a video that explains how drinking alcohol for health reasons is possible. After the movie is viewed, ask the following questions: -Did you know of any of those benefits? -When you drink alcohol, do you drink specifically for those benefits? -Do you know of any circumstances when healthy drinking could turn into alcohol abuse> How? When? -Do you know your own drinking limits? As a culminating activity, ask participants to share how they can incorporate healthy habits that include responsible alcohol consumption. Ask for ideas and write on board. |