Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start the session by asking the following questions: -What are some of the most important things we we do in our lives on a daily basis? -What are some of the most important to us personally? -What specifically you would feel that you would miss the most from not doing? Why? -Do you consider drinking one of those activities? If not, why not? Ask if they know anyone who is not able to do many of those activities. Encourage that person to discuss why that person is not able to do many of the activities we take for granted. Discuss with participants how there are many individuals who cannot perform many of the tasks that we take for granted. Many of them are unable because of an illness or accidents and for the most part, none of those reasons were because of their personal actions. Ask the participants: -Why is it that many of us continue a pattern of behavior that will lead us to a life where we will not be unable to continue to do the most important things in our lives? Continue by saying that when we abuse substances such as alcohol and other drugs, we are risking living a life of disabilities in the future. Inform the participants that we will watch a video that will describe how alcohol abuse can damage our bodies to the point of severe illnesses and disabilities. Before they watch the video make sure they pay attention to the quantities of alcohol consumption and to identify the organs that are affected the most. After watching the video ask the participants the following questions: -How much pure alcohol is in a unit? -How many units of alcohol are recommended not to exceed for a man? How many for a woman? Ask the participants to mention some of the effects to the following organs: -Brain -Mouth -Stomach -Liver -Add other organs as you see necessary. As a concluding activity, ask participants to describe how a disability caused by substance abuse could affect the activities mentioned at the beginning of the session. |