Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Start the discussion by asking the following questions: How do you know when a person has hit bottom financially, socially, and he or she is very ill and for the most part, he/she is alone without too many friends or family members around? Do you know anyone like that? What do you think? Explain that many times, or most of the times, it has to do with substance abuse. We all know the damages and risks associated with substance abuse are diverse, depending on the substance. However, on top of all those aspects, there are also legal and social consequences. Continue conversation by asking the following questions: What are the social implications? What are the legal implications? Add to what they say in case they do not mention it, other implications of substance abuse and related legal issues such as: Negative personal record that affects future job opportunities Financial burdens because of fines Legal problems that includes for some jail time Social marginalization and many other social conflicts with family and friends Inform participants that today we will read and analyze in depth the legal consequences of using alcohol and drugs. Give each participant a copy of the article. Organize reading groups if the class is large. Encourage participants to discuss information amongst the smaller groups. Make sure you ask participants to identify a member of the group to share their discussion with the whole class after they are finished. In order to guide the discussion ask the following questions: What happens to the family of an addicted person? Are all violent crimes caused by addicts? Why or why not? Is there an issue left out of the article that we should discuss? Inform participants that they will watch a video that expands on today's topic. After watching the video, encourage participants to discuss some of the effects showed in the video and their view about what they saw: if they think it is true, important or not, and why or why not For a culminating activity, ask participants if there is something valuable that they can implement in their lives that would be useful in the future. Ask the participants to share their thoughts. |