Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Ask the participants the following guiding questions: -Do you know someone who is disabled? -How does he/she get around? -Does it matter to you that they are disabled? How? Explain that many disabled individuals have different reasons or causes to be disabled. However, there are individuals who became disabled for reasons that are preventable such as car accidents, especially those that involve alcohol. Inform the participants that they are about to watch a video that tells the story of a man who had an accident and how his life changed drastically. After watching the video, ask the participants the following questions: -Who is Sean Carter? -What event changed his life? -What were the consequences? -How do Sean's relatives feel about the accident? -What was Sean's mistake? Ask the participants to volunteer and share one of their favorite daily activities. Make sure that they describe it in as much detail as possible focusing on the actions of each activity. Now ask another volunteer to repeat the activities or actions described by peer but this time, make sure they repeat activities but as a disabled individual. Add that there are many individuals in real life who are victims of accidents caused by drunk drivers. Draw 3 columns on board and label them as follows: Physical, Financial, Emotional. Now have participants brainstorm how individuals, victims of accidents caused by drunk drivers are affected in the areas identified in the three columns. As a final activity, suggest to participants to remember the discussion when it will be time to make the decision to drink and drive. Do they want to be the disabled person? DO they want a family member to be instead? Or do they want to be the accused drunk driver? |