Introduce topic by describing, activity name, content standard, and objectives. Begin the conversation by asking the following questions:: -What body organ is the most affected by excessive alcohol consumption? -What would be the second organ most affected? -Do you know someone who is ill for those reasons? Let the participants share their opinions and write on the board if possible. Point at the most mentioned body organ. Write the word Alcohol in the middle of the board. Ask the participants to mention some diseases associated with alcohol abuse and its effects on the body. Ask again if they know of a family member who is sick because alcohol abuse. Encourage them to share their story and how it affects the whole family. If no one wants to volunteer, share a sample story with them. After the conversation, inform participants that you will show them the video,"5 Side effects of alcohol consumption." Point out that you want them to identify at least one consequence identified in the video. After they watch the video, ask for volunteers to share at least one consequence and write on board. Inform participants that now they will read an article that will support and confirm some of the ideas illustrated in the video. Give each one a copy of the article "Health Consequences of Excess Drinking". Group the students in pairs or trios, and assign each team a section of the article to read. Make sure to explain that they must discuss what they read and identify a member of the group so they can share their discussion with the class. As a culminating activity, connect some of the concepts presented in the video to the story shared by participant or the story you presented. |